record n.10, 22×26×21 cm

record n.5, 20×30×29 cm

record n.9, donated to Euronisa foundation

record n.7, 17×24×21 cm, in a private collection

author's drawing

record n.3, 13×18×18 cm

instalace Czech design week 2022
photos Filip Švácha
The Record collection follows the phenomenon of Czechoslovak glass - glass figurines. The lampworking technique is approached as a spatial drawing. The result is a set of several dozen figurines/objects that are loosely inspired by children's drawing as an uninfluenced, intimate and primal creative expression of human. Awards Discovery of the Year 2022, Czech Design Award Departmental Award for Master's Thesis, FUD Ústí nad Labem 2021
record n.3, 13×18×18 cm